FRESCI has been awarded with four contracts by European Commission Joint Research Center (EURL-ECVAM) to Review non-animal methods in use for biomedical research.
FRESCI will lead a consortium formed by Altertox, Ecomole, University of Barcelona, Dr. Valentina Folgiero and Dr. Paolo Romania.
We are in charge of performing Reviews on In Vitro and In Silico methods for:
Breast Cancer
Immunogenicity Testing for Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products
Autoimmune Diseases
Immune Oncology
is it important to perform systematic review on non-animal methods in use for biomedical research?

We ALL need to protect our HEALTH and renew our ETHICS:
With better drugs and therapies to cure complex diseases specific to our human biology. We must move toward human-based models and methods to increase the relevance and the IMPACT of DRUG DISCOVERY process. (suggested reading: Misleading mouse studies waste medical resources)
With better PREDICTION in TOXICOLOGY studies to assess all environmental chemical inputs that we are exposed to. (suggested reading: Software beats animal tests at predicting toxicity of chemicals)
Reducing, replacing and refining (3Rs) the animal use in biomedical research where possible and reasonable. (suggested reading: Animals used for scientific purposes)
Reviewed and compiled non animal methods will allow to create a great resource for the scientific community to help advanced models uptaking and to move towards a new paradigm in biomedical research.
If YOU are a method or model developer in one of the four mentioned disease areas and you would like to point out your research, please feel free to contact us at
#drugscreening #pharma #FRESCI #breastcancer #ATMP #Immunogenicity #Autoimmune #disease #diseasemodeling #immunesystem #oncology #health #ethics #3Rs #toxicology #prediction #alternam #animalesdelaboratorio #labanimals #nonanimalmethods #organonchip #EURLECVAM #JRC #biomedicine #EuropeanCommission #EC #insilico #invitromodels #invitromethods #invitro #science #lifescience #research #humaneresearch