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Knowledge Sharing on scientific models and methods

FRESCI is currently conducting a study on best practices to share knowledge in science.


The study, funded by the European Commission Joint Research Centre, AIMS to establish key traits, successful approaches and engagement strategies from online realities that can be applied to share scientific knowledge in an engaging and attractive manner.


We kindly ask for YOUR PARTICIPATION in our study by taking the following SURVEY on the attractivity and performance of your platform.

The survey is straightforward, but it will require your commitment in terms of time and attention.


To facilitate your participation we pre-registered explainer webinar is available and we also scheduled five 15 minutes live Q/A sessions in which you will be able to solve any doubts or questions regarding the survey.

A document with Q/A is also available and constantly updated. 


A quick interview will be scheduled with the platform manager to briefly discuss your results.






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This project is funded by the JRC through a low value procedure ref. JRC/IPR/2021/LVP/2557

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